Wiki source code of Nutzung von Variablen

Last modified by Sabrina V. on 2025/02/19 13:53

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Jannis Klein 1.1 1 {{aagon.priorisierung}}
2 80
3 {{/aagon.priorisierung}}
5 {{aagon.floatingbox/}}
Jannis Klein 19.1 7 ACMP specific variables can be used throughout the ACMP console to dynamically customise content.
8 These are specified in the format %variable name%, e.g. %TicketID%.
Jannis Klein 1.1 9
Jannis Klein 19.1 10 To make it easier for you to work with variables, you can display all existing variables at any time using the Ctrl +Space key combination in a kind of context menu. The variable names are close to the content. You can use variables to refer to ticket-related and contact-related fields, as well as to insert your own custom fields.
Jannis Klein 1.1 11
Jannis Klein 19.1 12 = Contact fields =
Jannis Klein 1.1 13
14 (% style="width:1405px" %)
Jannis Klein 19.1 15 |(% style="width:366px" %)**Variable name**|(% style="width:353px" %)**Corresponding field**|(% style="width:483px" %)**Content**
16 |(% style="width:366px" %)Contact_Company|(% style="width:353px" %)Company name|(% style="width:483px" %)
17 |(% style="width:366px" %)Contact_CostUnit|(% style="width:353px" %)Cost Unit|(% style="width:483px" %)
18 |(% style="width:366px" %)Contact_Department|(% style="width:353px" %)Departments|(% style="width:483px" %)
19 |(% style="width:366px" %)Contact_Fax|(% style="width:353px" %)Fax number|(% style="width:483px" %)
20 |(% style="width:366px" %)Contact_FirstName|(% style="width:353px" %)First name|(% style="width:483px" %)
21 |(% style="width:366px" %)Contact_Fullname|(% style="width:353px" %)Full name|(% style="width:483px" %)Created from the first and last name
22 |(% style="width:366px" %)Contact_LastName|(% style="width:353px" %)Last Name|(% style="width:483px" %)
23 |(% style="width:366px" %)Contact_Mail|(% style="width:353px" %)Email address|(% style="width:483px" %)
24 |(% style="width:366px" %)Contact_Mitarbeiterstatus_Status|(% style="width:353px" %)Employee status|(% style="width:483px" %)
25 |(% style="width:366px" %)Contact_Phone|(% style="width:353px" %)Phone|(% style="width:483px" %)
26 |(% style="width:366px" %)Contact_Phone2|(% style="width:353px" %)Phone 2|(% style="width:483px" %)
27 |(% style="width:366px" %)Contact_Phone3|(% style="width:353px" %)Phone 3|(% style="width:483px" %)
28 |(% style="width:366px" %)Contact_Phone4|(% style="width:353px" %)Phone 4|(% style="width:483px" %)
29 |(% style="width:366px" %)Contact_Titles|(% style="width:353px" %)Title|(% style="width:483px" %)
30 |(% style="width:366px" %)Contact_CustomFieldN|(% style="width:353px" %)Custom Field N|(% style="width:483px" %)N custom contact fields can be configured here. N stands for the unique numbering.
Jannis Klein 1.1 31 |(% style="width:366px" %)
Jannis Klein 19.1 33 = Ticket field =
Jannis Klein 1.1 34
35 (% style="width:1401px" %)
Jannis Klein 19.1 36 |(% style="width:364px" %)**Variable name**|(% style="width:353px" %)**Corresponding field**|(% style="width:485px" %)**Content**
37 |(% style="width:364px" %)Ticket_Assignee|(% style="width:353px" %)Assignee|(% style="width:485px" %)
38 |(% style="width:364px" %)Ticket_Assignee_FamilyName|(% style="width:353px" %)Family name assignee|(% style="width:485px" %)
39 |(% style="width:364px" %)Ticket_Assignee_IsGroup|(% style="width:353px" %)Assignee is group|(% style="width:485px" %)(((
40 Possibe value:
Jannis Klein 1.1 41
Jannis Klein 19.1 42 * Yes
43 * No
Jannis Klein 1.1 44 )))
Jannis Klein 19.1 45 |(% style="width:364px" %)Ticket_Assignee_Name|(% style="width:353px" %)Name of editor|(% style="width:485px" %)
46 |(% style="width:364px" %)Ticket_Caption|(% style="width:353px" %)Title|(% style="width:485px" %)If the ticket is created by email, the title of the ticket corresponds to the subject line of the email.
47 |(% style="width:364px" %)Ticket_Category|(% style="width:353px" %)Category|(% style="width:485px" %)
48 |(% style="width:364px" %)Ticket_CategoryPath|(% style="width:353px" %)Category path|(% style="width:485px" %)Removed paths to the category of the tickets
49 |(% style="width:364px" %)Ticket_CreationDate|(% style="width:353px" %)Creation date|(% style="width:485px" %)
50 |(% style="width:364px" %)Ticket_Creator|(% style="width:353px" %)Creator|(% style="width:485px" %)
51 |(% style="width:364px" %)Ticket_CreatorType|(% style="width:353px" %)Creator type|(% style="width:485px" %)(((
52 Possible values:
Jannis Klein 1.1 53
Jannis Klein 19.1 54 * 0 (Email)
55 * 1 (ACMP user)
Jannis Klein 1.1 56 * 2 (Self Service)
57 )))
Jannis Klein 19.1 58 |(% style="width:364px" %)Ticket_Description|(% style="width:353px" %)Description|(% style="width:485px" %)
Jannis Klein 1.1 59 |(% style="width:364px" %)Ticket_Impact|(% style="width:353px" %)Business Impact|(% style="width:485px" %)(((
Jannis Klein 19.1 60 Possible values:
Jannis Klein 1.1 61
62 * Company
63 * Department
64 * Single Client
65 * Single Server
66 * Site
67 )))
Jannis Klein 19.1 68 |(% style="width:364px" %)Ticket_Keywords|(% style="width:353px" %)Keywords|(% style="width:485px" %)
69 |(% style="width:364px" %)Ticket_LastModified|(% style="width:353px" %)Last modified|(% style="width:485px" %)
70 |(% style="width:364px" %)Ticket_Priority|(% style="width:353px" %)Priority|(% style="width:485px" %)(((
71 Possible values:
Jannis Klein 1.1 72
73 * Trivial
74 * Normal
Jannis Klein 19.1 75 * Important
76 * Critical
Jannis Klein 1.1 77 )))
Jannis Klein 19.1 78 |(% style="width:364px" %)Ticket_Resolution|(% style="width:353px" %)Resolution|(% style="width:485px" %)(((
79 Possible values:
Jannis Klein 1.1 80
Jannis Klein 19.1 81 * No solution
82 * Not comprehensible
83 * Incomplete
84 * Duplicate
85 * Not solved
86 * Solved
Jannis Klein 1.1 87 )))
Jannis Klein 19.1 88 |(% style="width:364px" %)Ticket_Resolution_Quantifier|(% style="width:353px" %)Solution weighting|(% style="width:485px" %)
Jannis Klein 1.1 89 |(% style="width:364px" %)Ticket_State|(% style="width:353px" %)Status|(% style="width:485px" %)(((
Jannis Klein 19.1 90 Possible values:
Jannis Klein 1.1 91
Jannis Klein 19.1 92 * Created
93 * Viewed
94 * In progress
95 * Waiting
96 * Closed
Jannis Klein 1.1 97 )))
Jannis Klein 19.1 98 |(% style="width:364px" %)TicketGUID|(% style="width:353px" %)Ticket-GUID|(% style="width:485px" %)The unique ticket GUID is generated automatically and identifies the ticket in the database. The ticket GUID cannot be changed and is intended for use with the Web Interface.
99 |(% style="width:364px" %)TicketGuidUrl|(% style="width:353px" %)Ticket-GUID-URL|(% style="width:485px" %)This is where the ticket GUID is customised for use in hyperlinks. In connection with the web server URL, the ticket can be accessed directly from the Web Interface here.
100 |(% style="width:364px" %)TicketID|(% style="width:353px" %)Ticket-ID|(% style="width:485px" %)The unique ticket ID is generated automatically and identifies the ticket in the ACMP Console. The ticket ID cannot be changed.
101 |(% style="width:364px" %)Ticket_CustomFieldN|(% style="width:353px" %)User defined ticket field N|(% style="width:485px" %)N user-defined ticket fields can be configured here. N stands for the unique numbering.
Jannis Klein 1.1 102
Jannis Klein 19.1 103 = Comment fields =
Jannis Klein 1.1 104
105 (% style="width:1251px" %)
Jannis Klein 19.1 106 |(% style="width:360px" %)**Variable name**|(% style="width:356px" %)**Corresponding field**|(% style="width:489px" %)**Content**
107 |(% style="width:360px" %)Comment_Text|(% style="width:356px" %)Comment|(% style="width:489px" %)
108 |(% style="width:360px" %)Comment_Creator|(% style="width:356px" %)Username|(% style="width:489px" %)
109 |(% style="width:360px" %)Comment_Creator_Name|(% style="width:356px" %)First name of the creator|(% style="width:489px" %)
110 |(% style="width:360px" %)Comment_Creator_FamilyName|(% style="width:356px" %)Last name of the creator
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