Use of variables
Last modified by Sabrina V. on 2025/02/19 13:53
ACMP specific variables can be used throughout the ACMP console to dynamically customise content.
These are specified in the format %variable name%, e.g. %TicketID%.
To make it easier for you to work with variables, you can display all existing variables at any time using the Ctrl +Space key combination in a kind of context menu. The variable names are close to the content. You can use variables to refer to ticket-related and contact-related fields, as well as to insert your own custom fields.
Contact fields
Variable name | Corresponding field | Content |
Contact_Company | Company name | |
Contact_CostUnit | Cost Unit | |
Contact_Department | Departments | |
Contact_Fax | Fax number | |
Contact_FirstName | First name | |
Contact_Fullname | Full name | Created from the first and last name |
Contact_LastName | Last Name | |
Contact_Mail | Email address | |
Contact_Mitarbeiterstatus_Status | Employee status | |
Contact_Phone | Phone | |
Contact_Phone2 | Phone 2 | |
Contact_Phone3 | Phone 3 | |
Contact_Phone4 | Phone 4 | |
Contact_Titles | Title | |
Contact_CustomFieldN | Custom Field N | N custom contact fields can be configured here. N stands for the unique numbering. |
Ticket field
Variable name | Corresponding field | Content |
Ticket_Assignee | Assignee | |
Ticket_Assignee_FamilyName | Family name assignee | |
Ticket_Assignee_IsGroup | Assignee is group | Possibe value:
Ticket_Assignee_Name | Name of editor | |
Ticket_Caption | Title | If the ticket is created by email, the title of the ticket corresponds to the subject line of the email. |
Ticket_Category | Category | |
Ticket_CategoryPath | Category path | Removed paths to the category of the tickets |
Ticket_CreationDate | Creation date | |
Ticket_Creator | Creator | |
Ticket_CreatorType | Creator type | Possible values:
Ticket_Description | Description | |
Ticket_Impact | Business Impact | Possible values:
Ticket_Keywords | Keywords | |
Ticket_LastModified | Last modified | |
Ticket_Priority | Priority | Possible values:
Ticket_Resolution | Resolution | Possible values:
Ticket_Resolution_Quantifier | Solution weighting | |
Ticket_State | Status | Possible values:
TicketGUID | Ticket-GUID | The unique ticket GUID is generated automatically and identifies the ticket in the database. The ticket GUID cannot be changed and is intended for use with the Web Interface. |
TicketGuidUrl | Ticket-GUID-URL | This is where the ticket GUID is customised for use in hyperlinks. In connection with the web server URL, the ticket can be accessed directly from the Web Interface here. |
TicketID | Ticket-ID | The unique ticket ID is generated automatically and identifies the ticket in the ACMP Console. The ticket ID cannot be changed. |
Ticket_CustomFieldN | User defined ticket field N | N user-defined ticket fields can be configured here. N stands for the unique numbering. |
Comment fields
Variable name | Corresponding field | Content |
Comment_Text | Comment | |
Comment_Creator | Username | |
Comment_Creator_Name | First name of the creator | |
Comment_Creator_FamilyName | Last name of the creator |