Quick Search

Last modified by Sabrina V. on 2025/02/28 07:30

You can open Quick Search by clicking on the magnifying glass icon in the top left corner or by pressing Ctrl + Q.


Quick Search

Search options

You then have three options for performing your search:

  1. Enter your search term, e.g. Clients, in the search bar.
  2. Use the icon at the top right of the dialogue to see all the areas in which you can search. You can click to select and deselect areas to narrow your search.
  3. You can enter the search term with a 3 character area selection prefix preceded by an @.

Hinweis  Note:  

The company (@com and document (@doc) search areas are disabled during installation. However, you can enable them for use in search results.

Examples include:

  • „@doc invoice“ will search for „invoice“ in section „Documents“
  • „@que Clients“ will search for „Clients“ in section „Queries“
  • „@menu Wizard“ will search for „wizard“ in section „System menu“ and in Ribbon menus


In addition, you can use the following shortcuts to open specific areas with pre-populated area selection prefixes:

ClientsShift + Crtl + C
ContactsShift + Crtl + K
QueriesShift + Crtl + Q
NavigationShift + Crtl + V
Ribbon menuShift + Crtl + R
CompaniesShift + Crtl + F
DocumentsShift + Crtl + D
System menuShift + Crtl + M
Account menuShift + Crtl + A

Search areas and fields

To configure the search areas and fields, click on the icon at the top right of the window. A sub-menu will appear allowing you to configure the areas to be searched.

Search area and fieldDescription of search areaDescription of search field

The results from this search area show you additional information about the selected client. This includes:

  • Primary IP address
  • MAC address
  • SID
  • The last user to log in
  • The Client type
  • The assigned client

In addition, you can display the Client details, execute the Agent Tasks for new scans or execute jobs from the Quick Search.

The search term entered is used to find the following fields in the results display:

  • Computer name
  • Primary IP
  • SID
  • MAC address

Results from this search area show you additional information about the selected contact. This includes:

  • email address
  • phone
  • company
  • department
  • position

You can also display the contact's details from the quick search.

To display the results, the search term entered is found in the following fields:

  • Full name
  • Email address
  • Phone number 1
QueriesThe corresponding description of the results from this search area is displayed when you select it. In addition, you can execute the marked query directly.To display the results, the search term entered is found in the names of the existing Queries.
NavigationIf you select a result from this search area, the higher-level category is displayed. You can open the corresponding plug-in directly from the navigation.

The search term entered is found in the following fields to display the result:

  • Name of the superordinate category
  • Name of the navigation element
Ribbon menuFor the results from this search area, the tab on which the result can be found and the assigned group are displayed. You can start the selected action directly.

To display the results, the search term entered is searched for in the following fields:

  • Name of the menu entry
  • Group of the menu entry
  • Tab of the menu entry

Hinweis  Note:  

Please note that only ribbon tabs that are visible or selectable in the selected plugin are searched.

CompaniesThe customer ID and description are displayed for the results from this search. You can also open the company details.The search term entered is found in the company name to display the result.
DocumentsThe results from this search area are displayed with the file name, file size and added days. You can display the details of a marked document or the document itself.

The search term entered is found in the following fields to display the result:

  • Document name
  • File name


System menuThe path to the results in this area is displayed. You can start the result directly after marking it.

The search term entered is found in the following fields to display the result:

  • Path to the entry
  • Name of the menu entry
Account menuThe path to the results in this area is displayed. You can start the result directly after marking it.

The search term entered is used to find the following fields in order to display the results:

  • Path to the (menu) entry and to the group of the menu entry
  • Name of the menu entry


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