Wiki source code of Stammdaten

Last modified by Sabrina V. on 2024/10/14 08:35

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3 {{aagon.floatingbox/}}
5 = General =
7 Master Data is the basic information on company-specific details and individual address and contact data that you can store in ACMP. Master Data is required in various areas for working with ACMP - regardless of whether you want to define the location in a company of an Asset ([[Asset Management>>doc:ACMP.67.ACMP-Solutions.Asset Management.WebHome]]), evaluate user-defined data from a Query ([[Query Management>>doc:ACMP.67.ACMP-Solutions.Client-Management.Abfrageverwaltung.WebHome]]) or link contacts in the Helpdesk ([[Helpdesk>>doc:ACMP.67.ACMP-Solutions.Helpdesk.WebHome]]).
9 Master Data can be accessed at any time from anywhere on the ribbon bar under the //Master Data// tab. Master Data customisations are applied system-wide and are updated whenever changes are made. If you also use the [[ACMP App>>doc:ACMP.67.ACMP installieren.ACMP App installieren.WebHome]], the corresponding entries are also displayed and can be used there. The individual areas are divided into the respective sections: Contacts, Locations, Companies, Departments, Cost Centers and Contracts. Documents can be uploaded and managed.
11 Much of the Master Data is dynamically linked, so you can always refer back to existing data. For example: Not only can you assign different departments to a location and redistribute them to cost centers, but you can also specify the contacts who work there and have potential contracts with other companies (service partners or manufacturers).
13 {{figure}}
14 [[image:66_Stammdaten_Übersicht der Stammdaten in der Ribbonleiste_546.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center"]]
16 {{figureCaption}}
17 Overview of Master Data
18 {{/figureCaption}}
19 {{/figure}}
22 Click on the appropriate button in the ribbon bar to access and work with one of the existing Master Data fields:
24 |**Master Data area**|**Description**
25 |(((
26 [[image:image-20240610084819-8.png]]
28 [[Contacts>>doc:||anchor="HKontakte"]]
29 )))|Contacts can store a wide range of contact details and user-defined information about each person. It is also possible to retrieve other Master Data such as //Location//, //Departement// or //Cost Center// from the contacts or to work with the fields. Clients can also be linked to contacts so that a job can be pushed directly through the contact.
30 |(((
31 [[image:image-20240610084804-2.png]]
33 [[Locations>>doc:||anchor="HStandorte"]]
34 )))|Location information can be further subdivided into locations themselves, as well as buildings or rooms. Here you can enter specific information about the desired location of the company and possible contacts who work at that location.
35 |(((
36 [[image:image-20240610084804-3.png]]
38 [[Companies>>doc:||anchor="HFirmen"]]
39 )))|Store companies in the Master Data so that you or your colleagues can immediately see whether you are dealing with a supplier, service partner or manufacturer, for example. This allows you to keep track and find the right person to contact.
40 |(((
41 [[image:image-20240610084804-4.png]]
43 [[Departments>>doc:||anchor="HAbteilungen"]]
44 )))|Departments can help you to keep track of your company's individual structures. You can map any department in your company to classify possible contacts and assign cost centers.
45 |(((
46 (((
47 [[image:image-20240610084833-9.png]]
49 [[Cost Centers>>doc:||anchor="HKostenstellen"]]
50 )))
52 (((
54 )))
55 )))|Cost Centers can be assigned to a department, which can then be used to charge for costs and services within the company. You can also directly enter the employees and contact persons belonging to a specific cost center.
56 |(((
57 [[image:image-20240610084804-6.png]]
59 [[Contracts>>doc:||anchor="HVertrE4ge"]]
60 )))|Contracts help you to store important documents centrally in the ACMP Console, which you and your staff can access. This also ensures that important deadlines/dates are met and contact persons are named to ensure they can be contacted quickly.
61 |(((
62 [[image:image-20240610084804-7.png]]
64 [[Documents>>doc:||anchor="HDokumente"]]
65 )))|All document types that you upload via this area will be uploaded to the [[File Repository>>doc:ACMP.67.ACMP-Solutions.System.Verteilte File Repositories.WebHome]]. The documents can be of different types: you can attach a file link, a hyperlink, the metadata of a document or a regular document.
67 The individual functions and management options for Master Data are described below.
69 = Contacts =
71 In many areas of the ACMP Console you will need Contacts to store user-specific information about individual persons. To do this, open the tab //Master Data// > //Contacts// in the ribbon bar. A new window will open showing all actions in the toolbar and all available Contacts: All existing contacts (manually added ([[image:Manuell hinzugefügte Kontakte Icon.png]]) and imported ([[image:image-20240610084927-11.png]]) or via the AD import of the User Manager ([[image:AD Import der Benutzerverwaltung Icon.png||alt="image-20240610084927-12.png"]]) or via the AD User Connector (SICS) ([[image:grafik.png]])) are displayed on the left side. The view of the contact details of the person opened is on the right.
73 {{figure}}
74 [[image:66_Stammdaten_Kontakte Übersicht_998.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center"]]
76 {{figureCaption}}
77 Overview of Contacts
78 {{/figureCaption}}
79 {{/figure}}
81 During the initial installation, a contact is already created for you (ADMINISTRATOR), which you cannot delete as it is the primary user of the ACMP Console.
83 == Manage Contacts ==
85 As in many other areas of the ACMP Console, you have a number of options for managing contacts. You can add new contacts ([[image:image-20240610085050-14.png||height="18" width="18"]]), edit existing ones ([[image:Kontakte bearbeiten.png||height="18" width="18"]]), delete ([[image:Kontakte löschen.png||alt="grafik.png" height="18" width="18"]]) or duplicate ([[image:image-20240610085050-17.png||height="18" width="18"]]). If a phone number is stored for an existing contact, you can also call it directly from the Console ([[image:Kontakt anrufen.png||alt="grafik.png" height="18" width="18"]]). Make sure that [[ACMP Notifier>>doc:ACMP.67.ACMP-Solutions.Helpdesk.Notifier.WebHome]] iis installed and running, otherwise this function will not work. If the contact has more than one phone number (e.g. company phone and mobile phone), a dialogue will open in which you can select the number to be dialled. To import Contacts, click on //Import //([[image:grafik.png]]) and upload a CSV file in the wizard. You can use the ([[image:image-20240610085050-20.png||height="20" width="32"]]) function to change the Self Service password for a selected contact. Refresh ([[image:image-20240610085050-21.png]]) your settings if you have made changes to the Contacts.
87 == Add Contacts ==
89 Click //Add Contact //([[image:image-20240610085145-22.png||height="18" width="18"]]) in the toolbar that opens. A multi-page wizard will open, guiding you step by step through the creation of a new contact. In the first few pages, enter all the contact-related information about the person. This includes personal details as well as company details such as address and email. At the bottom of the wizard, select any existing Master Data you want to associate with this contact. You can edit and delete existing Master Data records or add new ones. Then click //Next >//.
91 {{figure}}
92 [[image:66_Stammdaten_Kontakte hinzufügen Wizard Kontaktdetails_786.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center"]]
94 {{figureCaption}}
95 Adding Contacts
96 {{/figureCaption}}
97 {{/figure}}
99 Continue working through the wizard, optionally adding comments for the contact and entering values for the [[custom fields>>doc:ACMP.67.ACMP-Solutions.System.Einstellungen.Benutzerdefinierte Felder.WebHome]] if you want to use any. You also have the option of linking clients or documents to the contact. To do this, click on the //Next >// button after each page.
101 {{aagon.infobox}}
102 Client links are generated, among other things, from the query results. This allows you to select all relevant Clients and start a job execution or rollout in the same step.
103 {{/aagon.infobox}}
105 Close your work by clicking //Finish//. The newly added contact appears in the alphabetical list.
107 = Locations =
109 Locations are part of the Master Data that can be accessed and managed from the ribbon bar (//Master Data// > //Locations//). A new window will open showing all the actions in the toolbar and all the available locations: On the left you will see all the existing locations and those already created. On the right you will see the detailed view of the selected location.
111 Locations can be used to enter specific information about the location, which can be divided into Locations ([[image:image-20240610090901-23.png]]), Buildings([[image:image-20240610090901-24.png]]) and Rooms ([[image:image-20240610090901-25.png]]). Any number of locations can be organised hierarchically.
113 {{aagon.infobox}}
114 Please note that you can only enter an address for buildings.
115 {{/aagon.infobox}}
117 {{figure}}
118 [[image:66_Stammdaten_Standorte Übersicht_779.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center"]]
120 {{figureCaption}}
121 Overview of Locations
122 {{/figureCaption}}
123 {{/figure}}
125 == Manage Locations ==
127 There are several ways to manage your locations using the //Locations// toolbar. Add new locations ([[image:image-20240610091858-26.png||height="18" width="18"]]) or edit existing ones ([[image:image-20240610091858-27.png||height="18" width="18"]]). If a location, building or room has been disbanded and you no longer need it for master data maintenance, you can also delete it completely ([[image:image-20240610091858-28.png||height="18" width="18"]]). Please note that when you delete a location, the underlying entries for the location (buildings and rooms) are automatically deleted as well. You can use the //Import// button ([[image:image-20240610091858-29.png||height="18" width="18"]]) to upload a CSV file via the wizard, allowing you to add more locations to your master data. To update your entries, you can click the Update button ([[image:Refresh Icon.png||alt="grafik.png"]]) at any time.
129 == Add Locations ==
131 In the toolbar that opens, click //Add Location //([[image:Standorte Hinzufügen.png||alt="grafik.png" height="18" width="18"]]).In the wizard that opens, the first page requires you to enter general information about this site. The first step is to specify whether or not you want the location to be a child of an existing location. To do this, click the checkbox ([[image:image-20240610091934-32.png]]) next to the output directory. If necessary, tick the //Add folder to root level //if you want the location to be independent of others. Confirm your output directory by clicking //Select//. Enter a name for the location and then select the location type. There are three options to choose from:
133 |(% style="width:136px" %)**Locations type**|(% style="width:627px" %)**Description**
134 |(% style="width:136px" %)Location|(% style="width:627px" %)Locations are the top level of the location hierarchy. For example, locations can be divided into cities (e.g. Berlin or Soest) or areas (Sales North or South).
135 |(% style="width:136px" %)Building|(% style="width:627px" %)(((
136 You can only assign rooms to a building.
138 {{aagon.infobox}}
139 If you select this type, the wizard will advance one page. On this page, enter the address for the building.
140 {{/aagon.infobox}}
141 )))
142 |(% style="width:136px" %)Room|(% style="width:627px" %)You can only subordinate subsequent rooms to a room.
144 {{figure}}
145 [[image:66_Stammdaten_Standorte hinzufügen_759.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center"]]
147 {{figureCaption}}
148 Add Locations
149 {{/figureCaption}}
150 {{/figure}}
152 Optionally, enter a description and then click //Next >//.
154 {{aagon.infobox}}
155 If you selected the //Building //location type, you can enter the address of the new location on the second page. You can also add this information later.
156 {{/aagon.infobox}}
158 On the Contacts page, enter the members and contacts you want to associate with the new location, building, or room. To do this, click the appropriate button(% id="cke_bm_46682S" style="display:none" %) (%%) ([[image:image-20240610092129-33.png||height="16" width="16"]]) and select the contact(s).
160 Exit the wizard and click //Finish//. The new location appears in the list.
163 = Companies =
165 For example, you can use the //Companies// Master Data area to clearly classify external companies and keep track of potential vendors or manufacturers. You can assign the type //Vendor//, //Service Partner// or //Manufacturer// to each company and link possible members or contacts. To do this, access the area from the ribbon bar (//Master Data// > //Companies//). A new window will open with a list of companies already created on the left and a detailed view of a selected company on the right.
167 {{figure}}
168 [[image:66_Stammdaten_Firmen Übersicht_800.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center"]]
170 {{figureCaption}}
171 Overview of Companies
172 {{/figureCaption}}
173 {{/figure}}
175 == Manage Companies ==
177 The toolbar provides you with various actions to manage the companies. Simply create a new company in the ACMP Console by clicking on //Add company //([[image:image-20240610092244-34.png||height="19" width="18"]]). If changes need to be made, you can edit ([[image:image-20240610092244-35.png||height="19" width="18"]]) or delete([[image:image-20240610092244-36.png||height="19" width="18"]]) the entry. You can use the //Import //([[image:image-20240610092244-37.png||height="18" width="18"]]) button to upload a CSV file via the wizard to add new companies to your Master Data. Refresh ([[image:image-20240610092244-38.png]]) your view if you have made any changes. If you wish to import //Software Catalogue //([[image:Hersteller aus Softwarekatalog importieren Icon.png||alt="grafik.png"]]), you can choose between the DNA and DNA2 catalogues. In this case, the software publishers read from the Licence Management will be created as companies.
179 == Add Companies ==
181 Click //Add Company //([[image:image-20240610092333-40.png||height="19" width="18"]]) in the open toolbar. A multi-page wizard will open, guiding you step-by-step through the process of creating a new company. On the first page, enter the company name and a customer number if one already exists. Optionally, you can also enter a description, for example, what the company manufactures or sells. Click //Next// >.
183 {{figure}}
184 [[image:66_Stammdaten_Firma hinzufügen_672.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center"]]
186 {{figureCaption}}
187 Add Company
188 {{/figureCaption}}
189 {{/figure}}
191 On the second page you can enter the address of the company and indicate what type of company it is: //Vendor//, //Service partner// and/or //Manufacturer//. Please note that a company can be more than one of these types if, for example, it also provides service or maintenance for the products. Tick the appropriate boxes and click //Next >// again. If you already know the members or contact persons when you create the company, abbreviate the contacts to the company. You can easily add them using the contact link ([[image:image-20240610092428-41.png]]).
193 Exit the wizard and click //Finish//. The new company appears in the list.
196 = Departments =
198 Departments can help you organise your company and create departmental structures. You can create as many departments as you like and link them to employees and contacts. You can also assign further areas of the master data to the departments, for example if you want to distribute certain cost centers. To do this, first access the departments (//Master Data// > //Departments//).
200 {{figure}}
201 [[image:66_Stammdaten_Abteilungen Übersicht_858.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center"]]
203 {{figureCaption}}
204 Overview of Departments
205 {{/figureCaption}}
206 {{/figure}}
208 == Manage Departments ==
210 You can use the //Departements// toolbar not only to add departments ([[image:image-20240610092533-42.png||height="18" width="18"]]), but also to edit ([[image:Abteilung bearbeiten.png||height="17" width="18"]]) or delete ([[image:image-20240610092533-44.png||height="18" width="18"]]) entries that have already been created. Refresh the view using the Refresh button of the same name ([[image:Refresh Icon.png]]) and import a CSV file if you want to include external departments ([[image:grafik.png]]).
212 == Add Departments ==
214 To add a new department to the list, click //Add Department //([[image:image-20240610092733-47.png||height="18" width="18"]]) in the open toolbar. A wizard will open asking you to enter some general information. Select an output directory where the department will be created. If you want the output directory to be a different one, click the //Select// button// //([[image:image-20240610092733-48.png]]). Browse to the required directory or tick the //Add folder to root level //option if you want to set the department independently. Confirm your output directory by pressing //Select//. Then use the wizard to give the department a name and optionally enter a description. Click //Next >// to continue.
216 {{figure}}
217 [[image:66_Stammdaten_Abteilung hinzufügen_760.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center"]]
219 {{figureCaption}}
220 Add Departments
221 {{/figureCaption}}
222 {{/figure}}
224 On the next page, you can directly assign members and contacts to the newly created department. To do this, click the Contact link ([[image:image-20240610093243-49.png]]) in selected area.
226 Exit the wizard and click //Finish//. The new department will appear in the list.
229 = Cost Centers =
231 Cost Centers help you to allocate individual costs and services to the relevant departments or areas, exactly where they occur in your organisation. This allows you to document the exact billing of items, with possible contacts directly linked. This means that the appropriate contacts and responsibilities are stored in the Cost Centers. To do this, access the area from the ribbon bar (//Master Data// > //Cost Centers//). In the window that opens, you will find the toolbar at the top, a list of Cost Centers already created on the left, and a detailed view of these Cost Centers on the right.
233 {{figure}}
234 [[image:66_Stammdaten_Kostenstellen Übersicht_735.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center"]]
236 {{figureCaption}}
237 Overview of Cost Centers
238 {{/figureCaption}}
239 {{/figure}}
241 == Manage Cost Centers ==
243 Manage your Cost Centers via the toolbar. Add new Cost Center ([[image:Kostenstelle hinzufügen.png||height="18" width="18"]]), edit existing ones ([[image:Kostenstelle bearbeiten.png||height="18" width="18"]]) or delete some ([[image:image-20240610093529-52.png||height="18" width="18"]]). Refresh ([[image:Refresh Icon.png]]) the view after customizing and import external Cost Centers via CSV files ([[image:import.png||height="18" width="18"]]) if required.
245 == Add Cost Centers ==
247 In the toolbar, navigate to the //Add Cost Center //([[image:Kostenstelle hinzufügen.png||height="18" width="18"]]) action field.//  //In the wizard that opens, first specify the output directory in the General Information section. If the correct directory is not displayed, click the //Select //button ([[image:image-20240610093718-56.png]]). Browse to the required directory or tick the //Add folder to root level //option if you want to create the account independently of existing directories. Then enter a name and abbreviation for the account. Optionally, you can also enter a description before clicking //Next >//.
249 {{figure}}
250 [[image:66_Stammdaten_Kostenstelle hinzufügen_783.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center"]]
252 {{figureCaption}}
253 Add Cost Centers
254 {{/figureCaption}}
255 {{/figure}}
257 On the second page of the wizard, you can assign contacts (members and/or contact persons) to the Cost Center. Add these contacts using the appropriate button ([[image:image-20240610093941-57.png]]). Exit the wizard and click //Finish//. The new account appears in the list.
260 = Contracts =
262 You can enter various details within contracts and thus save them centrally for your work and call them up from the Master Data at any time. Contracts are important documents that you store in the ACMP Console and customize according to the respective modalities. You can also control access for other employees. Contracts contain a wide range of info: Among other things, specify who the contractual partner is, which contact persons belong to the respective contract, what duration has been recorded and what conditions there are for a possible cancellation. You can store this and continuing info in the contracts as required and retrieve it at a later date if you want to open or correct the details.
264 {{figure}}
265 [[image:66_Stammdaten_Verträge Übersicht_992.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center"]]
267 {{figureCaption}}
268 Overview of Contracts
269 {{/figureCaption}}
270 {{/figure}}
272 == Manage Contracts ==
274 Manage your collected Contracts using the toolbar, which opens once you have opened the contracts (% id="cke_bm_154941S" style="display:none" %) (%%)([[image:image-20240610094229-58.png||height="22" width="18"]]) in the Ribbon. Add a new contract by clicking Add ([[image:Verträge hinzufügen.png||height="20" width="18"]]), edit an existing contract (% id="cke_bm_155416S" style="display:none" %) (%%)([[image:image-20240610094229-60.png||height="20" width="18"]]) or delete a contract (% id="cke_bm_155515S" style="display:none" %) (%%)([[image:image-20240610094229-61.png||height="20" width="18"]]). If you want to duplicate an existing contract, because you only want to change some details in an existing contract, use the //Duplicate Contract// function of the same name (% id="cke_bm_155614S" style="display:none" %) (%%)([[image:Verträge duplizieren.png||height="19" width="18"]]). Refresh (% id="cke_bm_155938S" style="display:none" %) (%%)([[image:Refresh Icon.png]]) the view after customising and, if necessary, import external contracts (% id="cke_bm_156127S" style="display:none" %) (%%)([[image:image-20240610094229-64.png||height="18" width="18"]]) if they are available as CSV files and have not yet been saved in the ACMP Console.
276 == Adding Contracts ==
278 Click //Add Contract //([[image:Verträge hinzufügen.png||height="20" width="18"]]) in the toolbar. A multi-page wizard will open, asking you to enter general contract information. Use the //Select// button// //([[image:image-20240610094346-66.png]]) to change the default output directory if it is incorrect. To do this, browse to the required directory and check //Add folder to root level //option if you want to create the contract independently of existing directories. Then enter a name for the contract, an optional description and a possible contract number if one already exists. The Status field allows you to specify whether the contract is //Active// or //Inactive//. If you are adding a contract for the first time, the //No Contract type selected //will be selected. The entries for this field must be inserted individually via the [[settings>>doc:ACMP.67.ACMP-Solutions.System.Einstellungen.Stammdaten.WebHome||anchor="HVertrE4ge"]] (//System// > //Settings// > //Master// //Data// > //Contracts//).
280 {{aagon.infobox}}
281 You can use the different contract types to organise and structure your entries. For example, you could create the following types: //Purchase contract//, //Rental// //agreement//, //Service contract //or //Software assurance//. Add as many additional contract types for your work as you like using the [[settings>>doc:ACMP.67.ACMP-Solutions.System.Einstellungen.Stammdaten.WebHome||anchor="HVertrE4ge"]].
282 {{/aagon.infobox}}
284 Click //Next >// to go to the next pages.
286 {{figure}}
287 [[image:66_Stammdaten_Verträge hinzufügen_666.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center"]]
289 {{figureCaption}}
290 General Contract information
291 {{/figureCaption}}
292 {{/figure}}
294 Select the relevant contract parties. To do this, click on the two action buttons //Contractual partner (external) //and //Contractual partner (internal)//, select an entry from the list of companies that opens and enter a company. If you have accidentally selected the wrong company, you can deselect it by clicking the //Deselect All// button. Add a Beneficiary ([[image:Vertragsbegünstigte Icon.png||height="17" width="18"]]) and the Master Data selection will open allowing you to choose between //Contacts//, //Companies//, //Cost// //Centers//, //Departments //and //Locations//. Select the required entry, click //OK// and the window will close. To remove the entry, click on the //Delete link //([[image:Entfernen Icon.png||height="18" width="18"]]). Complete the contact details by entering possible contact persons and their responsibilities for the contract ([[image:image-20240610094508-69.png]]). Confirm the details and click //Next >//.
296 {{figure}}
297 [[image:66_Stammdaten_Vertrag hinzufügen Zugehörige Parteien_703.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center"]]
299 {{figureCaption}}
300 Associated parties of the Contract
301 {{/figureCaption}}
302 {{/figure}}
304 The modalities you can specify on the following pages give the details of the contract. First, enter the start date and duration of the contract. The duration can be specified in days, weeks, months or years. The default setting is years. The expiry date will be calculated automatically based on your entries. Next, specify whether the contract can be cancelled. Select the //Terminable// checkbox and specify the cancellation details, such as the cancellation period or the next possible expiry date. If the contract has already been cancelled, you must select the //Is terminated //checkbox and enter the date and any cancellation reason. You can use the modalities to automatically renew the contract. To do this, tick the //Automate extension// box and enter a period. Proceed by clicking //Next >//.
306 {{figure}}
307 [[image:66_Stammdaten_Vertragsmodalitäten_716.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center"]]
309 {{figureCaption}}
310 Modalities
311 {{/figureCaption}}
312 {{/figure}}
314 On the next wizard page, define possible relationships. To do this, use the //Add Relation// button// //([[image:image-20240610094753-70.png||height="19" width="18"]]) to add successive contracts. A new window will open in which you can define the contracts as either a succeeding or preceding contract and these will be entered as the relation type.
316 {{aagon.infobox}}
317 Please note that a subsequent or previous contract must be entered in ACMP beforehand. Otherwise, it will not be possible to link a relation to the respective contract and you will have to repeat this step after creating the new contract.
318 {{/aagon.infobox}}
320 Select the desired contract, click on //Select// and you will be returned to the original page. If you wish to cancel a relationship, click on the corresponding entry and press the [[image:image-20240610094815-71.png||height="19" width="18"]] button.
322 Click //Next >// to continue with custom fields (1:1) if you have defined any. Otherwise, you can click //Next >// again and link documents to the contract. To do this, insert a document ([[image:Verträge hinzufügen.png||height="20" width="18"]]) and select a corresponding document in the new window and confirm your selection with //Link//. Finally, you can assign user and group rights to the contract by authorising or restricting access. Exit your work by clicking on //Finish//.
324 The contract is then added to the list and displayed with its details.
326 {{figure}}
327 [[image:66_Stammdaten_Übersicht der Verträge_977.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center"]]
329 {{figureCaption}}
330 Added Contract
331 {{/figureCaption}}
332 {{/figure}}
335 = Documents =
337 The documents are also retrieved via the Master Data. All document types that you upload are loaded into the [[File Repository>>doc:ACMP.67.ACMP-Solutions.System.Verteilte File Repositories.WebHome]] and can be of very different types: you can upload pure documents (e.g. in the .pdf, .doc, .csv etc. formats), as well as hyperlinks, metadata of a document or a file link.
339 |(% style="width:242px" %)**Location in the ACMP Console**|(% style="width:1122px" %)**Description**
340 |Master Data|(% style="width:1122px" %)You can link the documents directly to other Master Data (//[[Contacts>>doc:||anchor="HKontakte"]] //and [[Contracts>>doc:||anchor="HVertrE4ge"]]).
341 |Knowledge Base (Helpdesk)|Important or required documents can be stored in the articles.
342 |Query Management|In an open query, you can link documents either from the //System// Actions field in the ribbon bar or from the context menu of selected Clients.
343 |License Management|Documents can be stored within License Management.
344 |Asset Management|Important documents can be linked directly in Asset Management when creating an Asset. This gives you direct access to purchase contracts, for example.
346 {{figure}}
347 [[image:66_Stammdaten_Dokumenten Übersicht_1084.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center"]]
349 {{figureCaption}}
350 Overview of Documents
351 {{/figureCaption}}
352 {{/figure}}
354 == Managing Documents and Document Types ==
356 As with other areas of the Master Data, documents are accessed from the ribbon bar. A new window will open with a list of all documents already created, a search field and a filter for all category tags on the left, and a detailed view of the selected document on the right. The management itself is carried out using the various action fields in the toolbar.
358 To add a new document, either click on the icon itself or on the arrow next to the //Add// ([[image:image-20240610095249-73.png||height="22" width="18"]]) button. The first option adds only one document (as a quick button); the arrow button allows you to choose between several document types:mehreren Dokumententypen auswählen:
360 |**Document type**|**Description**|**Special feature**
361 |[[image:image-20240610095259-74.png]] Add Document|This option allows you to add all the documents you have in a digital version and in the most common file formats and edit them directly from the console. You can also specify the storage location, document type and document version, and add category days to help you find the uploaded document more quickly.|None
362 |[[image:Dokumenten-Dateiverknüpfung hinzufügen.png]]Add Document File Link|All documents that you have in a digital version and in the common file formats can be added using this option and edited directly from the Console. You can also specify the storage location, the document type and a document version and add category days to find the uploaded document more quickly.|A document file link cannot be edited from within ACMP. Customisations to the original file, on the other hand, can be called up directly after memory of the document.
363 |[[image:Nur Metadaten eines Dokuments hinzufügen.png]] Add Document Meta Data only|This option is used to store the metadata of a document. In this case, metadata includes, for example, the name, type or storage location of the document. Store this and continuing info and add category days.|Adding metadata to a document allows you to manage documents that you do not have in digital form. The document cannot be edited or viewed in ACMP. Adding metadata to a document allows you to manage documents that you do not have in digital form. The document cannot be edited or viewed in ACMP.
364 |[[image:image-20240610095259-77.png]] Add Document Hyperlink|(((
365 Select this option if you want to link documents from a web server.
367 You will need to enter the URL of the website and other information. The category days help you to classify the documents.
369 The documents you upload using this type cannot be viewed or customised.
370 )))|There is an additional field where you must enter a URL link to the document. Entering a hyperlink is one of the mandatory fields.
371 |[[image:Mehrere Dokumente hinzufügen.png]] Add multiple Documents|Upload multiple digital documents at once and edit them directly from the Console.|If you upload multiple files in one step and check a box in the wizard, you will change all the information for all the documents. Only the information you do not change in the input mask remains individual. This allows you, for example, to assign the same file type to a large collection of files without having to change the name or location of each file.
373 If you want to change the properties of existing documents (such as the name, document type or location), you can edit them ([[image:image-20240610095418-79.png||height="19" width="18"]]). To change the contents of a document, use the// Open //([[image:image-20240610095418-80.png||height="19" width="18"]]) button. This locks the selected document and opens it for editing. The purpose of locking is to ensure that no other users can access the document at the same time while changes are being made.
375 {{aagon.infobox}}
376 Please note that depending on the extension of the file name, the documents will be launched with the appropriate standard system applications.
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379 Delete a document ([[image:image-20240610095437-81.png||height="19" width="18"]]) when you no longer need it. Documents can be opened directly from the Console using the //View //button ([[image:image-20240610095437-82.png||height="19" width="18"]]).
381 {{aagon.infobox}}
382 Please note that depending on the extension of the file name, the documents will be launched with the appropriate standard system applications.
383 {{/aagon.infobox}}
385 There are also a number of document-specific actions avsailable: Download a document ([[image:image-20240610095456-83.png||height="19" width="18"]]) and a window will open allowing you to select a location to save it locally on your computer. Lock documents ([[image:Dokumente sperren.png||height="22" width="18"]]) to ensure that no other user can access them at the time. Save any changes and remove the lock ([[image:Dokumente anwenden.png||height="19" width="18"]]). If you want to discard changes and unlock the file, click the //Discard //button// //([[image:image-20240610095456-86.png||height="16" width="18"]]). Save any adjustments you have made ([[image:Speichern.png||height="18" width="18"]]) and refresh the view ([[image:image-20240610095456-88.png||height="18" width="18"]]).
387 In addition to these functions, you can also manage directories in the same way as documents (e.g. add or delete directories).
389 == Adding documents ==
391 As described in the previous section, [[Managing Documents and Document Types>>doc:||anchor="HDokumenteverwaltenundDokumententypen"]] there are several options from which you can select and define the type of document you want to create. Regardless of the document type, the rest of the process is similar, as all types ask for the same information and only minor details need to be adapted (e.g. a URL path needs to be inserted for the //Add Document Hyperlink type//). A one-oage wizard will open, where the fields that need to be filled in are highlighted in yellow. The following example of //adding a document //will show you how to proceed.
393 To add a new document, you must first click //Add// // //([[image:image-20240610095639-89.png||height="18" width="23"]] )in the toolbar of the open window. To do this, click on the first item //Add Document //([[image:Dokument hinzufügen.png||height="22" width="18"]]) and a wizard will open. Select the file ([[image:image-20240610095639-91.png]]), you wish to upload and double-click to upload it from your computer. The //Name// and //Filename// fields are dynamically generated from the file name, but can be customised. Select a document type from the drop-down list to make it easier to define. Then specify a location and a version of the document. Use the Tags category or create your own tags to make it easier to find the document. To do this, tick the box in the //Category tags// area or write your own tags in the box below.
395 {{aagon.infobox}}
396 You can use static category tags to filter the document vault and display the results. Individual days, which you can specify for each document, are also taken into account when searching for documents.
397 {{/aagon.infobox}}
399 {{figure}}
400 [[image:66_Stammdaten_Dokumente hinzufügen_767.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center"]]
402 {{figureCaption}}
403 Adding Document
404 {{/figureCaption}}
405 {{/figure}}
407 Then click //Finish// to add the new document. This loads the document into the file repository and makes it available for you to view and edit in the Browser.
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