Query Management

Last modified by Sabrina V. on 2025/03/28 12:11


The Query Management is the central point for organising queries. Queries are the building blocks for many continuing actions that you can start in ACMP. You can use the queries to call up the data from other modules, which are summarised in the Query Results. Provided that the user has the appropriate permissions, the Query Management is always freely accessible, either via the navigation or via the ribbon bar under the Query Actions tab. Here you can display all the data that has been inventoried and also narrow it down using a filter.


Query Management

Working with Queries

The ribbon bar allows you to add (Abfrage neu hinzufügen Icon.png), execute (Abfragen ausführen Icon.png), edit (Abfrage bearbeiten.png) or delete (Abfrage löschen.png) Queries. 

In addition, you can organise your queries in a folder structure to help you keep track of them. Query Management has a structured design. You will find all the queries created in alphabetical order directly in the overview, along with an optional description and the query basis.

A number of queries are already provided for you to use during the initial installation. It is also possible to create your own queries and execute them in the Console. To execute a Query, select it and click on Execute or start it directly by double-clicking. The tabular results are displayed in the integrated section of the console. In the case of a 1:n relation, the dates are generated and displayed in a sub-query. You can recognise such a sub-query by the icon (Abfrage Aufklappen Icon.png).

There are basic and advanced queries that you can create. Advanced Queries allow you to perform more complex queries or filtering.

The Clients included in the results set of a Query have different icons. This allows you to see how the corresponding Client was inventoried:

Inventoried Client typeDescription
ClientTypeServiceThe Client was inventoried by the ACMP Agent
ClientTypeOSCThe Client was inventoried by the OneScanClient 
ClientTypeADClient was detected by Agentless Scanner
ClientTypeManualClientThe Client was entered manually
OSLinuxClient was inventoried via XML Importer (Linux) or via Linux Unit Agent
OSMacClient was inventoried via XML Importer (Mac) or via Linux Unit Agent
Client_NetworkBootThe Client was detected using the Network Boot Service
ClientTypeMobileClientAndroidIt is a mobile Android Client
ClientTypeMobileClientiOSThis is a mobile iOS client.
Windows Mobile Client Icon.pngThis is a Windows Mobile Client (Smartphone OS)

Hinweis  Note:  

In addition to the icons for the inventoried client types, a warning triangle icon (DoppelteClientId.png) may also be displayed instead of the client icon.
This icon indicates that this is a suspicious client with a duplicate client ID (see also the section Special feature: Suspicious clients in the system).

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