Changes for page Dashboards
Last modified by Sabrina V. on 2025/02/27 12:13
From version 1.1
edited by Sabrina V.
on 2025/02/27 12:08
on 2025/02/27 12:08
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To version 2.1
edited by Sabrina V.
on 2025/02/27 12:13
on 2025/02/27 12:13
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... ... @@ -7,69 +7,69 @@ 7 7 In the ACMP Console, several plugins have so-called dashboards. The dashboards contain special widgets that provide an overview of the most important information for each plugin. The dashboards are displayed in different places with different widgets (e.g. in the Job Dashboard, Vulnerabilities Management, Helpdesk, License Management). They are dynamically adaptable and can be configured as you like. 8 8 9 9 {{aagon.infobox}} 10 -You can find out which widgets are available for which plug -in and what information the widgets provide in the respective chapters on the plug-ins.10 +You can find out which widgets are available for which plugin and what information the widgets provide in the respective chapters on the plugins. 11 11 {{/aagon.infobox}} 12 12 13 -= AufbauundFunktionsweisederDashboards =13 += Structure and function of the Dashboards = 14 14 15 - DieDashboards indenverschiedenenPluginshaben alleeinenidentischenAufbau,bestehendausderRibbonleistezumKonfigurierenderDashboardsunddemArbeitsbereichzumEinstellender Widgets,welchedie konkretenInformationenenthalten.Dabei lassenSie sichimmergleich bedienen. Besondersan den Dashboards ist,dassSieselbstein individuellesIntervalleinstellen können,nachdemsichdiesesaktualisiertundneueÄnderungenanzeigt(zwischen 30Sekundenund 15Minuten, sowiedieFunktion der Deaktivierung).15 +The dashboards in the various plug-ins all have an identical structure, consisting of the ribbon bar for configuring the dashboards and the workspace for setting up the widgets that contain the specific information. What makes the dashboards special is that you can set an individual interval for them, after which they update and display new changes (between 30 seconds and 15 minutes, as well as the function of deactivation). 16 16 17 17 {{figure}} 18 18 [[image:63_Überblick_StartseiteDashboard_553.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center"]] 19 19 20 20 {{figureCaption}} 21 -Dashboard -BereichinderRibbonleiste21 +Dashboard area in the ribbon bar 22 22 {{/figureCaption}} 23 23 {{/figure}} 24 24 25 -|=(% style="width: 293px;" %)Name derFunktion|=(% style="width: 902px;" %)Beschreibung26 -|(% style="width:293px" %) Aktualisieren|(% style="width:902px" %)AuswahldesZyklus,indem sichdasDashboard automatischaktualisieren soll.27 -|(% style="width:293px" %)Drop-Down-Liste (Dashboard)|(% style="width:902px" %) AuswahldesDashboards,das aktuellimArbeitsbereichangezeigt wird.28 -|(% style="width:293px" %) KonfigurierenHinzufügenundverwaltenvonDashboards fürdas aktuellausgewählte Plugin.29 -|(% style="width:293px" %) Layoutanpassen|(% style="width:902px" %)ÖffnetdenLayout Designer,indemdas Erscheinungsbilddesaktuellen Dashboardsangepasstwerden kann.30 -|(% style="width:293px" %)Dashboard zurücksetzen|(% style="width:902px" %)Setzt dasaktuelleDashboard aufseinStandard-Erscheinungsbildzurück.25 +|=(% style="width: 293px;" %)Name of function|=(% style="width: 902px;" %)Description 26 +|(% style="width:293px" %)Refresh|(% style="width:902px" %)Select the cycle in which the Dashboard should automatically update. 27 +|(% style="width:293px" %)Drop-Down-Liste (Dashboard)|(% style="width:902px" %)Selection of the Dashboard that is currently displayed in the workspace. 28 +|(% style="width:293px" %)Configuration[[image:Actions.ico||height="20" width="20"]]|(% style="width:902px" %)Add and manage Dashboards for the current selected Plugin. 29 +|(% style="width:293px" %)Customise layout|(% style="width:902px" %)Opens the Layout Designer, where the appearance of the current Dashboard can be customised. 30 +|(% style="width:293px" %)Reset Dashboard|(% style="width:902px" %)Resets the current Dashboard back to its default appearance. 31 31 32 -= NeuesDashboardhinzufügen=32 += **Add a new dashboard** = 33 33 34 -1. KlickenSie in der Ribbonleisteauf das Icon[[image:Actions.ico||height="20" width="20"]].35 -1. WählenSiedieOption//NeuesDashboardhinzufügen//aus.36 -1. VergebenSieeinen NamenfürdasneueDashboard.37 -1. BestätigenSiedeneingegebenen NamenüberdenButton//OK//.34 +1. Click the [[image:Actions.ico||height="20" width="20"]] icon on the ribbon bar. 35 +1. Select the //Add new dashboard// option. 36 +1. Type a name for the new dashboard. 37 +1. Confirm the name you have entered by clicking the //OK// button. 38 38 39 - Ihr neuesDashboard istjetzt hinzugefügt.SiekönnennundasLayoutdesDashboards anpassen.39 +Your new dashboard is now added. You can now customise the layout of the dashboard. 40 40 41 -= Layoutanpassen=41 += Customise layout = 42 42 43 - KlickenSie inderRibbonleisteauf//Layoutanpassen,//um denLayout Designerzu öffnen.43 +Click //Customise Layout// in the ribbon bar to open the Layout Designer. 44 44 45 - DasErscheinungsbilddesDashboardsbesteht aus3Ebenen,dieSieüberdieButtons inderRibbonleistebearbeiten können:45 +The appearance of the dashboard consists of three levels, which you can edit using the buttons in the ribbon bar: 46 46 47 -* Ebene 1:Umfasstdiegesamten imLayoutvorhandenenGruppen48 -* Ebene 2:EinzelneGruppe,dieeineoder mehrereUntergruppenund/oderWidget-Bereiche enthält49 -* Ebene 3:EinWidget-BereichenthältimDashboardeinzugeordnetesWidget47 +* Level 1: Contains all groups present in the layout. 48 +* Level 2: Individual groups that contain one or more subgroups and/or widget areas. 49 +* Level 3: A widget panel contains a widget assigned to it in the dashboard. 50 50 51 51 {{figure}} 52 52 [[image:63_Überblick_StartseiteLayoutDesigner_1382.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center"]] 53 53 54 54 {{figureCaption}} 55 - EbenenimLayout Designer55 +Layers in the Layout Designer 56 56 {{/figureCaption}} 57 57 {{/figure}} 58 58 59 - ÜberdenButton//WählenSieineLayout-Vorlage//könnenSieeinesdervorgefertigtenDashboardLayoutauswählen. AlternativkönnenSiedasLayoutIhresDashboardsauchdurch hinzufügenoder löschenvon GruppenundWidget-Bereichen beliebiganpassen. InderrechtenMenüleistekönnenSiedie Größe vonWidget-BereichenundGruppenim VerhältniszumFenster(//relativ//) oderohne Verhältnis (//absolut)//einstellenundfestlegen,obGruppen horizontal oder vertikalangeordnet werden sollen.59 +You can use the Select a layout template button to select one of the pre-made dashboard layouts. Alternatively, you can customise the layout of your dashboard by adding or deleting groups and widget areas. In the right menu bar, you can set the size of widget areas and groups relative to the window (//relative//) or absolute (//unrelated//), and whether groups should be arranged horizontally or vertically. 60 60 61 - SobaldSie alleAnpassungenvorgenommenhaben,bestätigenSieihre Auswahlmit dem Button//Anwenden//,um dasLayoutzu übernehmen unddenLayout Designerzu schließen.61 +Once you have made all your adjustments, confirm your selection with the //Apply //button to apply the layout and close the Layout Designer. 62 62 63 -= Widgets auswählen=63 += Selecting Widgets = 64 64 65 - HabenSie nuneinneuesDashboardhinzugefügt odermöchtendieWidgetseinesbestehendenDashboardsändern,könnenSie imArbeitsbereichbeieinemleerenWidget-Bereichaufden Textinder Mitte oderdasIcon [[image:Actions.ico||height="20" width="20"]]klicken,um dieWidget-Auswahlzu öffnen.65 +When you have added a new dashboard or want to change the widgets of an existing dashboard, you can click on the text in the middle of a clear widget area in the workspace or on the icon [[image:Actions.ico||height="20" width="20"]] to open the widget selector. 66 66 67 67 {{figure}} 68 68 [[image:63_Dashboard allgemein_Widget ändern_479.png]] 69 69 70 70 {{figureCaption}} 71 - Widgethinzufügen71 +Adding a widget 72 72 {{/figureCaption}} 73 73 {{/figure}} 74 74 75 - UmeinWidgetausderWidget-Auswahlhinzuzufügen,wählen Siees mit einemDoppelklickaus undsuchenSiesicheinesderverfügbarenWidgetsausderListeaus(z.B.zumDefender Management,zuJobausführungenoderzurManaged Software).75 +To add a widget from the Widget Selector, double-click to select it and choose one of the available widgets from the list (e.g. Defender Management, Job Execution or Managed Software).