Wiki source code of Use Cases für Client Commands

Last modified by Sabrina V. on 2025/03/04 07:14

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5 In this section, you will find various case studies on Client Commands.
6 These describe very specific examples of actions that you can build using the Client Command Editor and thus execute actions more quickly and in a more targeted manner, for example. You will be guided through the examples step by step to ensure the correct execution of the Commands.
8 Use cases for the topics:
10 * [[Create a Shortcut on the Desktop>>doc:ACMP.66.ACMP-Solutions.Client Commands.Use Cases für Client Commands.Verknüpfung auf dem Desktop erzeugen.WebHome]]
11 * [[Example of deploying and running a file from the File Repository (MSI file)>>doc:ACMP.66.ACMP-Solutions.Client Commands.Use Cases für Client Commands.Exemplarische Bereitstellung und Ausführung einer Datei über das File Repository (MSI-Datei).WebHome]]
12 * [[Enable Windows Defender with PowerShell in a Client Command>>doc:ACMP.66.ACMP-Solutions.Client Commands.Use Cases für Client Commands.Windows Defender mit Powershell in einem Client Command aktivieren.WebHome]]
13 * [[Form Editor - Sending Client Commands to a Client via the AESB Interface>>doc:ACMP.66.ACMP-Solutions.Client Commands.Use Cases für Client Commands.Client Command per Form Editor via AESB statisch an einen Client senden.WebHome]]
14 * [[Removing registry keys and values>>doc:ACMP.66.ACMP-Solutions.Client Commands.Use Cases für Client Commands.Registryschlüssel und -werte entfernen.WebHome]]
15 * [[Uninstalling an MSI file>>doc:ACMP.66.ACMP-Solutions.Client Commands.Use Cases für Client Commands.Deinstallation einer MSI-Datei.WebHome]]
16 * [[Check for running processes>>doc:ACMP.66.ACMP-Solutions.Client Commands.Use Cases für Client Commands.Auf laufende Prozesse überprüfen.WebHome]]
17 * [[Importing and exporting Reg Files>>doc:ACMP.66.ACMP-Solutions.Client Commands.Use Cases für Client Commands.Reg-Dateien importieren und exportieren.WebHome]]
18 * [[Uninstalling an MSI file using a WMI Query>>doc:.Deinstallation einer MSI-Datei mittels einer WMI-Abfrage.WebHome]]
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