Wiki source code of ACMP 6.5

Last modified by Jannis Klein on 2024/08/13 08:19

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Jannis Klein 4.1 6 = ACMP Online Help for ACMP 6.5 =
Jannis Klein 1.1 7
Jannis Klein 4.1 8 In the Online Help you will find a variety of elements (infoboxes, figures, tables, ...), which give you important notes and recommendations when working with the ACMP Console. You can also use our [[search function>>url:]] if you want to find specific content. Alternatively, you can use the navigation on the left to find your way around the structure.
Jannis Klein 1.1 9
Jannis Klein 4.1 10 == Changelog: ==
Jannis Klein 1.1 11
Jannis Klein 4.1 12 The following change log provides an overview of all changes to the content of the Online Help that have been made within version ACMP 6.5.
Jannis Klein 1.1 13
Jannis Klein 4.1 14 |=Version|=Changed chapter|=Change summary
15 |(% style="width:110px" %)6.5|(% style="width:322px" %)[[Installing the ACMP App>>doc:.ACMP installieren.ACMP App installieren.WebHome]]|(% style="width:906px" %)Integration of the ACMP App installation in the manual, explanation of possible sources of error
16 |(% style="width:110px" %)6.5|(% style="width:322px" %)[[ACMP Intune Connector>>doc:ACMP.65.ACMP-Solutions.Client-Management.ACMP Intune Connector.WebHome]]|(% style="width:906px" %)Create a new chapter
17 |(% style="width:110px" %)6.5|(% style="width:322px" %)[[Asset Management>>doc:ACMP.65.ACMP-Solutions.Asset Management.WebHome]]|(% style="width:906px" %)Revision of the chapter
18 |(% style="width:110px" %)6.5|(% style="width:322px" %)[[Agent Tasks>>doc:ACMP.65.ACMP-Solutions.Client-Management.Agentenplaner.WebHome]]|(% style="width:906px" %)Revision of the chapter
19 |(% style="width:75px" %)6.5|(% style="width:365px" %)[[BitLocker: PIN not created (pre-boot keyboard not found)>>doc:ACMP.65.ACMP-Solutions.Security.BitLocker Management.Use Case für BitLocker Management.PIN wird nicht erstellt (Pre-Boot-Tastatur wird nicht gefunden).WebHome]]|(% style="width:906px" %)Use Case for BitLocker Management
20 |(% style="width:110px" %)6.5|(% style="width:322px" %)[[Check for running processes>>doc:ACMP.65.ACMP-Solutions.Client Commands.Use Cases für Client Commands.Auf laufende Prozesse überprüfen.WebHome]]|(% style="width:906px" %)Use Case for Client Commands
21 |(% style="width:110px" %)6.5|(% style="width:322px" %)[[Uninstalling an MSI file>>doc:ACMP.65.ACMP-Solutions.Client Commands.Use Cases für Client Commands.Deinstallation einer MSI-Datei.WebHome]]|(% style="width:906px" %)Use Case for Client Commands
22 |(% style="width:110px" %)6.5|(% style="width:322px" %)[[Exemplary provision and execution of a file via the file repository (MSI file)>>doc:ACMP.65.ACMP-Solutions.Client Commands.Use Cases für Client Commands.Exemplarische Bereitstellung und Ausführung einer Datei über das File Repository (MSI-Datei).WebHome]]|(% style="width:906px" %)Use Case for Client Commands
23 |(% style="width:110px" %)6.5|(% style="width:322px" %)[[Duplicate scheduled reports>>doc:ACMP.65.ACMP-Solutions.Client-Management.Reports.WebHome||anchor="HGeplantenReportduplizieren"]]|(% style="width:906px" %)Extension of the functionality of Scheduled reports
24 |(% style="width:110px" %)6.5|(% style="width:322px" %)[[Scheduled System Scan>>doc:ACMP.65.ACMP-Solutions.Security.Defender Management.Konfigurationsprofile.Konfigurationsprofil-Einstellungen.WebHome||anchor="HGeplanterSystem-Scan"]]|(% style="width:906px" %)Extension of the Defender configuration profiles setting
25 |(% style="width:110px" %)6.5|(% style="width:322px" %)[[Job Collections>>doc:ACMP.65.ACMP-Solutions.Jobs.Job Collections.WebHome||anchor="HPushWindowsUpdate"]]|(% style="width:906px" %)Extension of the functionalities within the Job Collections
26 |(% style="width:110px" %)6.5|(% style="width:322px" %)[[Network Boot Service>>doc:ACMP.65.ACMP-Solutions.OS Deployment.Network Boot Service.WebHome||anchor="HFehlermeldungenbeimRolloutFCberdenNetworkBootService"]]|(% style="width:906px" %)Extension of the list of possible error messages
27 |(% style="width:110px" %)6.5|(% style="width:322px" %)[[Online status of a Client>>doc:ACMP.65.ACMP-Solutions.System.Einstellungen.ACMP Agent.WebHome]]|(% style="width:906px" %)Extension of the system settings to include the display of Clients via the online status
28 |(% style="width:110px" %)6.5|(% style="width:322px" %)[[Parameters>>doc:ACMP.65.ACMP-Solutions.Client Commands.Client Command erstellen.Client Commands neu hinzufügen.Client Command Editor.Menüleiste.WebHome||anchor="HParameter"]]|(% style="width:906px" %)New functionality for creating parameter values for Client Commands
29 |(% style="width:110px" %)6.5|(% style="width:322px" %)[[Push Windows Update>>doc:ACMP.65.ACMP-Solutions.Client Commands.Client Command erstellen.Client Commands neu hinzufügen.Client Command Editor.Commandlist.Windows Updates.WebHome||anchor="HPushWindowsUpdate"]]|(% style="width:906px" %)Explanation of the advanced Windows Update search (online and offline)
30 |(% style="width:110px" %)6.5|(% style="width:322px" %)[[Reset Script Flag>>doc:ACMP.65.ACMP-Solutions.Client Commands.Client Command erstellen.Client Commands neu hinzufügen.Client Command Editor.Commandlist.ACMP.WebHome||anchor="HResetScriptFlags"]]|(% style="width:906px" %)Executions of the Command function in more detail
31 |(% style="width:110px" %)6.5|(% style="width:322px" %)[[Rollout Templates>>doc:ACMP.65.ACMP-Solutions.OS Deployment.Rollout Templates.WebHome||anchor="HRolloutdurchfFChren"]]|(% style="width:906px" %)Extension of the number profiles in the Rollout Templates
32 |(% style="width:110px" %)6.5|(% style="width:322px" %)[[Quick filter search for Clients in Containers>>doc:ACMP.65.ACMP-Solutions.Client-Management.Container.Umgang mit Clients.WebHome||anchor="HNachContainerndesClientssuchen"]]|(% style="width:906px" %)Extension of containers with the quick filter search
33 |(% style="width:110px" %)6.5|(% style="width:322px" %)[[SFTP and WebDav for deployed file repositories>>doc:ACMP.65.ACMP-Solutions.System.Verteilte File Repositories.WebHome||anchor="HFileRepositoriesverwalten"]]|(% style="width:906px" %)Extension of the file repos to include the SFTP and WebDAV connection types
34 |(% style="width:110px" %)6.5|(% style="width:322px" %)[[Dealing with retired clients>>doc:ACMP.65.ACMP-Solutions.Client-Management.Agenteninstallation.Umgang mit stillgelegten Clients in der Agenteninstallation.WebHome]]|(% style="width:906px" %)Use Case for Agent Distribution
35 |(% style="width:110px" %)6.5|(% style="width:322px" %)[[Full Microsoft Defender system scan consumes too much CPU>>doc:ACMP.65.ACMP-Solutions.Security.Defender Management.Use Cases für Defender Management.Vollständiger Microsoft Defender System-Scan verbraucht zu viel CPU.WebHome]]|(% style="width:906px" %)Use Case for Defender Management
36 |(% style="width:110px" %)6.5|(% style="width:322px" %)[[Enable Windows Defender with Powershell in a Client Command>>doc:ACMP.65.ACMP-Solutions.Client Commands.Use Cases für Client Commands.Windows Defender mit Powershell in einem Client Command aktivieren.WebHome]]|(% style="width:906px" %)Use Case for Client Commands
Jannis Klein 1.1 37
Jannis Klein 4.1 38 (% style="text-align:center; width:101px" %)|=Version|=Changed chapter|=Change summary
39 |(% style="width:110px" %)6.4.1|(% style="width:322px" %)[[Import and export reg files>>doc:ACMP.64.ACMP-Solutions.Client Commands.Use Cases für Client Commands.Reg-Dateien importieren und exportieren.WebHome]]|(% style="width:906px" %)Use Case for Client Commands
40 |(% style="width:110px" %)6.4.1|(% style="width:322px" %)[[Remove registry keys and values>>doc:ACMP.64.ACMP-Solutions.Client Commands.Use Cases für Client Commands.Registryschlüssel und -werte entfernen.WebHome]]|(% style="width:906px" %)Use Case for Client Commands
41 |(% style="width:110px" %)6.4.1|(% style="width:322px" %)[[Creating a shortcut on the desktop>>doc:ACMP.64.ACMP-Solutions.Client Commands.Use Cases für Client Commands.Verknüpfung auf dem Desktop erzeugen.WebHome]]|(% style="width:906px" %)Use Case for Client Commands
42 |(% style="width:110px" %)6.4|(% style="width:322px" %)[[BitLocker Management>>doc:64.ACMP-Solutions.Security.BitLocker Management.WebHome]]|(% style="width:906px" %)Creation of a new chapter, new use case added
43 |(% style="width:110px" %)6.4|(% style="width:322px" %)[[End-to-end encryption (S/MIME) for emails>>doc:ACMP.64.ACMP-Solutions.System.Einstellungen.ACMP Server.WebHome||anchor="HEnde-zu-Ende-VerschlFCsselung"]]|(% style="width:906px" %)Addition of a new setting for the email traffic of the ACMP Server
44 |(% style="width:110px" %)6.4|(% style="width:322px" %)[[Create advanced Queries>>doc:ACMP.64.ACMP-Solutions.Client-Management.Abfrageverwaltung.Abfragen erstellen.Erweiterte Abfragen erstellen.WebHome]]|(% style="width:906px" %)Revision of the chapter
45 |(% style="width:110px" %)6.4|(% style="width:322px" %)[[Scheduled System Scan>>doc:ACMP.64.ACMP-Solutions.Security.Defender Management.Konfigurationsprofile.Konfigurationsprofil-Einstellungen.WebHome||anchor="HGeplanterSystem-Scan"]]|(% style="width:906px" %)Addition of a new configuration profile setting in Defender Management
46 |(% style="width:110px" %)6.4|(% style="width:322px" %)[[Job Collections>>doc:ACMP.64.ACMP-Solutions.Jobs.Job Collections.WebHome]]|(% style="width:906px" %)Revision of the entire chapter, new use case added
47 |(% style="width:110px" %)6.4|(% style="width:322px" %)[[Quick guide to the ACMP app>>doc:ACMP.64.ACMP-Solutions.Asset Management.ACMP-App.WebHome]]|(% style="width:906px" %)Create a new chapter
48 |(% style="width:110px" %)6.4|(% style="width:322px" %)[[Operating multiple Gateway instances on one system>>doc:ACMP.64.ACMP-Solutions.System.Gateway.Use Cases für das Gateway.Mehrere Gateway-Instanzen auf einem System betreiben.WebHome]]|(% style="width:906px" %)Creation of a new use case for the ACMP Gateway
49 |(% style="width:110px" %)6.4|(% style="width:322px" %)[[Set up OAuth2 for the emails service of the ACMP Server>>doc:ACMP.64.ACMP-Solutions.System.Einstellungen.ACMP Server.OAuth2 am ACMP Server einrichten.WebHome]]|(% style="width:906px" %)Create a new chapter
50 |(% style="width:110px" %)6.4|(% style="width:322px" %)[[Servermonitor>>doc:ACMP.64.First Steps im ACMP.Aufbau der Console.Ribbonleiste.Monitore.WebHome||anchor="HServermonitor"]]|(% style="width:906px" %)Create a new chapter
Jannis Klein 1.1 51
Jannis Klein 4.1 52 == Overview of frequently asked questions: ==
Jannis Klein 1.1 53
Jannis Klein 4.1 54 Here you will find a selection of specific questions about the ACMP Console that are answered in the online help:
Jannis Klein 1.1 55
Jannis Klein 4.1 56 * [[What is the structure of the ACMP console?>>doc:ACMP.64.First Steps im ACMP.Aufbau der Console.WebHome]]
57 * [[How can I create queries?>>doc:ACMP.64.ACMP-Solutions.Client-Management.Abfrageverwaltung.WebHome]]
58 * [[How can I create containers?>>doc:ACMP.64.ACMP-Solutions.Client-Management.Container.Container verwalten.WebHome]]
59 * [[How do I automatically deploy software packages with Managed Software?>>doc:ACMP.64.ACMP-Solutions.Patch Management.Managed Software.Use Case für Managed Software.WebHome]]
60 * [[Where can I add ACMP licences?>>doc:ACMP.64.ACMP-Solutions.Lizenzmanagement.Lizenzen.WebHome]]
61 * [[How do I create a configuration profile for BitLocker Management?>>doc:ACMP.64.ACMP-Solutions.Security.BitLocker Management.Konfigurationsprofile.WebHome]]
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