Wiki source code of Konfigurationsprofile

Last modified by Sabrina V. on 2024/10/08 11:35

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Jannis Klein 1.1 1 {{aagon.priorisierung}}
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Sabrina V. 4.1 7 Configuration Profiles allow you to set Defender settings on the client, such as controlling update and scan behaviour or defining the user interface.
8 The ACMP contains default configuration profiles. These are not assigned to any Client by default and can be assigned in a number of ways.
9 If you want to set different settings from the default profile, you can edit it or create a completely new configuration profile.
Jannis Klein 1.1 10
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Sabrina V. 4.1 12 Note that the configuration profile provided is a default profile defined by Microsoft for Defender Management.
Jannis Klein 1.1 13 {{/aagon.infobox}}
Sabrina V. 4.1 15 = Working with Configuration Profiles =
Jannis Klein 1.1 16
Sabrina V. 4.1 17 == Assigning Configuration Profiles to Clients ==
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Sabrina V. 4.1 20 Please note that query actions in Defender Management, such as antivirus scans or initiating an update scan, can only be performed if a Configuration Profile is assigned to the Client!
Jannis Klein 1.1 21 {{/aagon.infobox}}
Sabrina V. 4.1 23 There are 2 ways to assign Configuration Profiles to your Clients.
Jannis Klein 1.1 24
Sabrina V. 4.1 25 **~1. By explicit assignment**
26 This assignment is done via a query. To do this, select the required Clients, click on the Defender icon in the query actions bar and go to //Assign Defender Configuration Profile//. A dialogue will open allowing you to select the required configuration profile. By default, the configuration profile assignment can be overridden by a container. If this is not desired, you can deselect this option.
27 Click //Execute //to complete the assignment. The Job Monitor displays the status of the association.
Jannis Klein 1.1 28
Sabrina V. 4.1 29 **2. Via an automatic container association**
30 In the Container plug-in, select a container or create a new one, then switch to the //Defender Management// tab. Either click //Assign// in the ribbon bar or the link //Click to assign a Configuration Profile//. Any Client assigned to a Container with a Configuration Profile assignment will automatically receive the Configuration Profile.
Jannis Klein 1.1 31
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Sabrina V. 4.1 33 Please note that only one Configuration Profile can be assigned to each Client! If a Client is assigned to more than one Container, the Client will receive the Configuration Profile from the Container with the highest priority. If you are also using Multi-Tenancy, the Global Containers are assigned above the Client Containers.
Jannis Klein 1.1 34 {{/aagon.infobox}}
Sabrina V. 4.1 36 == Behaviour in the Container ==
Jannis Klein 1.1 37
Sabrina V. 4.1 38 You can see whether a Configuration Profile has been assigned to a Container, and to which Container, by looking at the Defender icon. To do this, go to the //Container// plug-in. You will see a list of all existing Containers. A Defender icon will appear in the //Properties// column if a configuration profile has been assigned to that container.
Jannis Klein 1.1 39
Sabrina V. 4.1 40 The Defender icon can be displayed in two colours:
Jannis Klein 1.1 41
Sabrina V. 4.1 42 **~1. As a blue icon:**
43 The Container is directly associated with a Configuration Profile.
Jannis Klein 1.1 44
Sabrina V. 4.1 45 **2. As a grey icon: **
46 The container has an inherited association. This means that all child containers inherit the configuration profile of the parent container.
Jannis Klein 1.1 47
Sabrina V. 4.1 48 You have the option of overriding this inheritance if necessary. To do this, click //Cancel// in the ribbon bar. If you wish to undo this action, click //Revert//.
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