Wiki source code of Job Collections

Last modified by Sabrina V. on 2024/10/23 06:36

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Jannis Klein 1.1 1 {{aagon.priorisierung}}
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Jannis Klein 12.1 7 Job Collections allow you to specify multiple Jobs in an order that you define, which are then processed automatically. The available job types are Client Commands, Manual Agent Tasks, System Jobs, Managed Software and Windows Update Collections, which you can use to create a Collection. With a Job Collection it is possible to place several Jobs one after the other, which are processed one after the other. This allows you, for example, to install software, configure something in the Windows operating system and set a setting in just one combined step and pass this on to selected Clients.
Jannis Klein 1.1 8
Jannis Klein 12.1 9 Job Collections can be stored in the ACMP Kiosk or in the containers. Optionally, it is also possible to add Job Collections to a Rollout Template in OS Deployment if you want to carry out a Rollout on one or more Clients.
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Sabrina V. 6.1 12 [[image:65_Job Collections_Übersicht.png||alt="64_Job Collections_Übersicht der Job Collection_1249.png" data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center"]]
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Jannis Klein 12.1 15 Overview of the Job Collection
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Jannis Klein 12.1 19 = Manage Job Collections =
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Jannis Klein 12.1 21 The ribbon bar allows you to add ([[image:||alt="image-20230103134902-1.png" height="16" width="16"]]), edit ([[image:||alt="Job Collection bearbeiten.png" height="16" width="16"]]) or delete ([[image:||alt="Job Collection löschen.png" height="16" width="16"]]) Job Collections. You can also duplicate existing Collections ([[image:||alt="Job Collection duplizieren.png" height="16" width="16"]]), in order to store Collections that have already been compiled in another directory and, if necessary, customize small details. Existing Job Collections can also be moved to other directories using the drag-and-drop function.
22 If you use more than one Job Collection, we recommend that you create the created Collections in directories and name them according to the corresponding areas, for example. The directories can also be managed via the ribbon bar. This gives you a better overview and allows you to find the right Collections more easily. In the illustration above, the Job Collections are divided into //Containers//, the ACMP //Kiosk// and the //OS Depolyment//. The column //Content// also gives you an overview of the types of Jobs used in the respective Collections.
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Jannis Klein 12.1 25 Please note that you can change existing Job Collections by selecting and clicking on them as usual. Any changes you make at a later time will be saved on the ACMP Server as soon as you click on //Save//. The associated changes will be enabled immediately.
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Jannis Klein 12.1 28 == Adding a Job Collection ==
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Jannis Klein 12.1 30 To create a new Job Collection, you must first select a directory in which to store the Collection. To do this, select an existing directory or create a new one, give it a name and an optional description, select an icon and a security share, and click //Done//.
31 Then navigate to //Add //on the ribbon bar and enter a name and an optional description. Check that the output directory is correct or adjust it if necessary, then click //Next//. The next step is to select the type of job. You can select jobs from the //Client Commands//, //Manual Agent Tasks//, //System Jobs, Managed Software// or //Windows Update Collections //categories.
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Jannis Klein 12.1 33 Examples of the different categories:
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Jannis Klein 12.1 35 |(% style="width:204px" %)**Category**|(% style="width:1160px" %)**Description**
36 |(% style="width:204px" %)Client Commands|(% style="width:1160px" %)Under Client Commands, you can create scripts that have a modular structure and are executed on the Console or on a Client. Use this job type, for example, to pick up tasks or make changes to Windows Updates.
37 |(% style="width:204px" %)Manual Agent Tasks|(% style="width:1160px" %)You can use the Manual Agent Tasks to add scan and maintenance options to the Job Collection. This allows you to define start conditions for when a scanner is to be executed and when, for example, information is to be read out on a Client.
38 |(% style="width:204px" %)System Jobs|(% style="width:1160px" %)Using the System Jobs, you can execute various actions that have something to do with the running system of the Clients. For example, you can use the Jobs to shut down or restart the Clients. In addition, you can pause and continue BitLocker.
39 \\Often a System Job is needed if you want to install new software, configure existing settings or customize the BitLocker protection.{{aagon.infobox}}If you want to pause BitLocker protection in a Job Collection for a short time and then enable it again immediately afterwards, you must place the two system jobs around the Client Command or the job. This ensures that the BitLocker protection is paused at the right time and is full again afterwards.{{/aagon.infobox}}
40 |(% style="width:204px" %)Managed Software|(% style="width:1160px" %)Add Managed Software to your Job Collection if the software on the Clients is to be kept current automatically. This allows you to provide software as packages that have already been preselected by the test and release process you have defined and then only need to be deployed. This can be the case, for example, if you want to provide a package of different software to a new Client in just one step.
41 |(% style="width:204px" %)Windows Update Collections|(% style="width:1160px" %)Within the Windows Update Collections, you can store various products and classifications for Windows-specific applications that are regularly updated. These can be used in the Job Collections, for example, if you want to specifically reach Windows Clients via containers or Rollouts.
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Jannis Klein 12.1 44 Note that the selection will only display items that are in your console at the current time. For example, you cannot use the wizard to subscribe to new Managed Software that has not already been added as a subscription in advance.
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Jannis Klein 12.1 47 (((
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Jannis Klein 12.1 52 [[image:64_Job Collections_Hinzufügen.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center"]]
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Jannis Klein 12.1 55 Add Jobs to a Job Collection
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Jannis Klein 12.1 59 Locate the Job you wish to add to the Job Collection and either drag and drop it into the upper right window or double-click on the entry. You can use the arrows to change the order of the jobs by changing their priority. Double-click on a job to remove it.
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Jannis Klein 12.1 62 Only the parameters for the Managed Software packages can be subsequently customised here.
Jannis Klein 1.1 63 {{/aagon.infobox}}
Jannis Klein 12.1 65 Click //Next >// and configure access by defining the rights of users and groups and close the creation of the Job Collection with //Done//.
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Jannis Klein 12.1 67 **Next recommended steps**
Jannis Klein 1.1 68
Jannis Klein 12.1 69 * [[Adding a Job Collection to the ACMP Kiosk>>doc:ACMP.67.ACMP-Solutions.Jobs.Job Collections.Use Case für Job Collections.WebHome]]
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