Wiki source code of Manuelle Clients

Last modified by Jannis Klein on 2024/10/28 14:07

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Jannis Klein 1.1 1 {{aagon.priorisierung}}
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Jannis Klein 13.1 7 Manual Clients allow you to inventory devices that cannot be reached over the network for various reasons but should be included in the inventory. Manual Clients are, for example, devices that are not in your network or on which an operating system that is no longer supported is installed. They can also be end devices or machines that contain sensitive data and therefore must not be scanned automatically. A continuing reason would be to capture devices that are to be inventoried for statistical or administrative purposes only.
Jannis Klein 1.1 8
Jannis Klein 13.1 9 Another continuing option for taking inventory of terminal devices is the [[Offline Scanner>>doc:ACMP.67.Arbeiten mit der ACMP Console.Clients erfassen.WebHome]] or the [[OneScanClient.>>doc:ACMP.67.Arbeiten mit der ACMP Console.Clients erfassen.WebHome]]
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Jannis Klein 13.1 12 Please note that when using the License Management and/or the ACMP vSphere scanner, manual Clients can be created automatically. You can read more about this in the chapters [[License Management>>doc:ACMP.67.ACMP-Solutions.Lizenzmanagement.WebHome]] and ACMP vSphere scanner.
Jannis Klein 1.1 13 {{/aagon.infobox}}
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Jannis Klein 13.1 16 Each manual Client consumes one ACMP Core license.
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Sabrina V. 7.1 20 [[image:16_64_Client Management_Manuelle Clients_1541.PNG||alt="Manuelle Client Eingabe.PNG" data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center"]]
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Jannis Klein 13.1 23 Manual Clients
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Jannis Klein 13.1 27 The Use Case for the manual Clients shows you a concrete example of how you can use them for the import in preparation for a Rollout.
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Jannis Klein 13.1 29 = Manage Manual Clients =
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Jannis Klein 13.1 31 In order to be able to manage Clients, various actions are available to you. In addition to adding new manual Clients, you can also edit or delete existing ones. You can also duplicate one or more Clients or import a CSV file with all relevant data to add them to the ACMP system.
Jannis Klein 1.1 32
Jannis Klein 13.1 33 == Adding Manual Clients ==
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Jannis Klein 13.1 35 To add a new manual Client, click //Add //(**[[image:method-add2.ico||height="16" width="16"]]**) in the ribbon bar and then enter the Client values in the dialogue box.
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Sabrina V. 7.1 38 [[image:Clientwerte eingeben.PNG||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center"]]
Jannis Klein 1.1 39
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Jannis Klein 13.1 41 Enter client values
Jannis Klein 1.1 42 {{/figureCaption}}
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Jannis Klein 13.1 45 You can influence which data fields can be specified when creating a manual Client in the [[settings for field selection>>doc:ACMP.67.ACMP-Solutions.Client-Management.Manuelle Clients.Clientwerte anpassem.WebHome]]. In the illustration above you can see which 10 fields these are by default. Please note that only so-called 1:1 fields are available for manual Clients. The mandatory fields are highlighted in the console, which you can define yourself in the configuration. If there are already dates in the system, they can be read out via a drop-down field. Once you have completed the entries, click on //Done//. The Client is then added and appears in the list.
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Jannis Klein 13.1 48 You can only create as many manual Clients as there are free licenses for the ACMP Core solution. If you have reached the maximum number, the action will be canceled.
Jannis Klein 1.1 49 {{/aagon.infobox}}
Jannis Klein 13.1 51 == Editing Manual Clients ==
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Jannis Klein 13.1 53 To edit a Client, open it with a double click or select the entry in the list and navigate to the //Edit //([[image:method-edit.png||height="16" width="16"]]) button. Change or add the desired client values and confirm the changes with //Done//. Please note that the mandatory fields are highlighted and must be filled in, otherwise a warning message will appear.
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Jannis Klein 13.1 55 == Deleting Manual Clients ==
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Jannis Klein 13.1 57 If you want to delete one or more Clients, select the corresponding number and click on //Delete** **//([[image:method-delete.png||height="16" width="16"]]).
Jannis Klein 1.1 58
Jannis Klein 13.1 59 == Duplicate Manual Clients ==
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Jannis Klein 13.1 61 If you want to take over a Client or some specified values from it, you can duplicate a Client. To do so, find the desired entry and click on //Duplicate// ([[image:method-friend.ico||height="16" width="16"]]). Alternatively, you can duplicate a manual Client by pressing //Ctrl + D//. Enter all the required values and confirm the changes with //Done//.
Jannis Klein 1.1 62
Jannis Klein 13.1 63 == Importing Manual Clients ==
65 To import manual Clients, you need a CSV file containing all relevant data. If you select //Import// ([[image:LicenseState_HasNewVersion.ico||height="16" width="16"]]) you will be guided through the actions in a wizard.
67 Select the prepared CSV file. Then specify which symbols delimiters and decimal separators you used in the uploaded CSV file. When selecting, specify whether the file contains column names and whether a character encoding is to be enforced. To do this, use one of the listed encoding types.
69 In the next step, you can see the imported CSV file and define the [[Mapping>>doc:ACMP.67.ACMP-Solutions.Client-Management.Manuelle Clients.Mapping.WebHome]] for the import. Continue the import and click //Next// > to display the import log and exit the import.
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