Wiki source code of Asset Management

Last modified by Jannis Klein on 2024/08/13 08:28

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Jannis Klein 1.1 1 {{aagon.priorisierung}}
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Jannis Klein 20.1 8 = General Information =
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Jannis Klein 20.1 10 Asset Management allows you to inventory all your fixed and movable assets individually and flexibly. You can work with the assets both stationary from your computer via the ACMP Console and on the move with the [[ACMP App>>doc:ACMP.67.ACMP-Solutions.Asset Management.ACMP-App.WebHome]].
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Sabrina V. 4.1 13 [[image:66_Asset Management_Hardware Assets.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center"]]
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16 Asset Management
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Jannis Klein 20.1 20 Access Asset Management by clicking //Asset Management// > //Hardware Assets// in the Console. When ACMP goes live, you will already have 15 trial Asset Management licences available.
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Jannis Klein 20.1 23 If you install continuing licences, the licences supplied will become invalid. The trial licences will not be credited. For information on how to integrate licences in the ACMP console, see the [[//System// >>doc:ACMP.67.ACMP-Solutions.System.WebHome]]>[[ ACMP Licences>>doc:ACMP.67.ACMP-Solutions.System.ACMP Lizenzen.WebHome]] section.
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Jannis Klein 20.1 26 The ribbon bar displays all the options available to you in relation to Asset Management. All available categories (//Asset Types//, //Locations//, //Departments//, //Cost Centres// and //Asset Collections//) are listed within the workspace. These can be freely selected from the drop down menu, which updates the view for the selected category. All Assets are listed in the upper part of the area. Selecting one of the list entries will display a detailed view of the selected Asset in the lower section.
Jannis Klein 1.1 27
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Jannis Klein 20.1 29 ACMP version 6.6.2 provides you with a paging of the asset results for a better overview. This allows you to define the number of results displayed per page. This gives you a better overview and allows you to manually click through the pages if you are maintaining a large number of assets in your system.
Jannis Klein 1.1 30 {{/aagon.versionierungsbox}}
Jannis Klein 20.1 32 Various master data can be associated with the asset. Assign it to specific //[[Locations>>doc:ACMP.67.Arbeiten mit der ACMP Console.Aufbau der Console.Ribbonleiste.Stammdaten.WebHome||anchor="HStandorte"]] //and [[Departments>>doc:ACMP.67.Arbeiten mit der ACMP Console.Aufbau der Console.Ribbonleiste.Stammdaten.WebHome||anchor="HAbteilungen"]] and distribute the asset to any //[[Cost Centre>>doc:ACMP.67.Arbeiten mit der ACMP Console.Aufbau der Console.Ribbonleiste.Stammdaten.WebHome||anchor="HKostenstellen"]]//. Different assets can be grouped together via the [[//Asset Collections//>>doc:ACMP.67.ACMP-Solutions.Asset Management.Assets organisieren.WebHome||anchor="HAssetCollections"]], giving you an additional overview of the collections. You have direct access to all the contracts, instructions and invoices that you have linked to the assets at all times via [[Documents>>doc:ACMP.67.Arbeiten mit der ACMP Console.Aufbau der Console.Ribbonleiste.Stammdaten.WebHome||anchor="HDokumente"]].
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Jannis Klein 20.1 35 If master data has already been stored for a selected asset, this is indicated by a link. You can open the relevant master data in a read-only window with a single click.
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Jannis Klein 20.1 39 [[image:66_Asset Management_Übersicht ACMP Asset Management.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center"]]
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Jannis Klein 20.1 42 Overview ACMP Asset Management
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Jannis Klein 20.1 46 Read below to find out how to [[manage Assets>>doc:ACMP.67.ACMP-Solutions.Asset Management.Assets verwalten.WebHome]] (e.g. add new ones, edit or print existing ones) or [[organise>>doc:ACMP.67.ACMP-Solutions.Asset Management.Assets organisieren.WebHome]] them (e.g. divide them into Asset Types, create Asset Collections or distribute numbering profiles).
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